Posted by Lone Star Dental Care Jan 24, 2019
February is National Children’s Dental Health Month! This year’s slogan hits two very important concepts for keeping our kids’ dental health in tip-top shape.
The 2018 slogan is: “Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste and clean between your teeth for a healthy smile.”
Yes, it’s a no-brainer to say, but actually doing it takes a little bit of effort. We know, ahem, adults who still don’t floss … so let’s get that positive habit started early!
What you need to know…
In the amounts our bodies receive via drinking fluoridated water and brushing our teeth, fluoride is quite harmless and incredibly beneficial for our teeth. It can even reverse the very beginning of tooth decay!
Fluoride works by strengthening tooth enamel and making teeth more resistant to acid attacks from plaque, bacteria, and sugars in the mouth.
The American Dental Association recommends using fluoride toothpaste for everyone, including the youngest in our families. As soon as teeth erupt, use a tiny bit (grain of rice size or smaller) of toothpaste on your child’s tooth brush. Then, as soon as they learn how to spit, use a pea-sized amount.
How early should your kids start flossing?
As early as possible!
You know your child best, so when you feel it’s age-appropriate to introduce them to flossing, go for it!
The best thing you can do is have your littles watch you floss daily. They see you doing it, they see that it’s not so scary, and they just might want to start copying you.
You may want to have them start with disposable flossers, then move on to regular floss as they get older. And make sure you teach them proper flossing technique!
That’s it! Focus on these two things this February, and slowly they’ll become habits that are hard to break.
Frisco, TX
11500 State Highway 121, Suite 210, Frisco, TX 75035
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